Friday, April 10, 2020



As a teacher, we must ALWAYS be attentive to each student's individual needs. Each lesson needs to give the appropriate accomodations. It's not that difficult of a task to achieve, we just need to be creative and believe! Think of each student and where they currently stand. Do not place limits on your young leaders. Rather, think of each individual and focus on helping them reach their highest potential.  
We all have different learning styles. Let's think about visual learners. Use graphs, charts, and other pictures for planned supports in your lessons. Digital media, checklists, and highlighting important information within a text is also helpful. Check out Bitsboard Flashcards and Games app for help in this area. Auditory learners will benefit from meaningful conversations and discussions when new material is presented. Have information on an audio recording and link to a QR code so students can tune in when looking through lesson packets/materials.  MeBooks is a great app for these learners! Music is also a great addition to any learning environment!  For kinesthetic learners, make sure you have sensory engaging activities to pair with your lesson units. Get up and move in your classroom! Anything from simple hand motions to choreographed dances could help students better understand and retain information. Look up Scratch Jr. for an app to support your kinesthetic learners.
If you have a student who is in the lower performing level, make sure you have plenty of planned supports suited to their individual needs. Make sure you are showing them they have potential and value in the classroom. Do not set limits on what they can accomplish. For middle performing students, be sure to not overlook them. Sometimes this is easy to do if they are average performing students. They still need support and clear expectations. Students who are on the high performance level need to be challenged and engaged as well. Really tap into their passions and see what they can do with an independent study!

Differentiated Instruction Materials - Missouri EduSAIL

Refocus Your Approach to Differentiated Instruction | Continental

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